Selasa, 06 November 2018

Cirebon Port (Pelabuhan Cirebon)

 The port is one of the infrastructure needed for land transportation both to reduce and raise passengers or as a place of trade. In our national history the port has an important role in the economic development of the archipelago. This is in the history of the kingdoms with the emergence of trade ports such as the ports of Demak, Sunda Kelapa, and Sidayu on Java and the port of Palembang on the island of Sumatra. Along with the development of the time the port increasingly plays an important role so that the opening of new ports in the Dutch colonial era began.
One of them is Cirebon Port. Cirebon Port is one of the branches of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II, which is located in Cirebon, West Java. This port is the economic gateway of the province of Jawa Barat and is an alternative for the Tanjung Priok Port, specifically serving inter-island trade activities. If identified, Cirebon Port is a Port of Goods, or a port that only serves inter-island trade activities such as coal. Geographically, Cirebon Port is located in the city of Cirebon, the main crossing of the north coast of West Java, ± 250 km from Jakarta or ± 130 km from Bandung. Cirebon Port is easily reached by road both from the direction of Jakarta, Central Java Province and the city of Bandung. With this convenience, it supports the smooth distribution of goods to and from Cirebon Port. Cirebon Harbor is supported by a depth of -7 m LWS pool. Whereas ships with a draft above 7 meters can be served in the Lego anchor area of ± 5-10 km offshore.
 This Cirebon port was built in 1865 by the Dutch colonial government as an export point for spices, sugar cane and raw materials from West Java. While the Warehouse and open storage were built in 1890 and the British American Tobacco cigarette factory was built in the early twentieth century. From 1927 to 1957 the Cirebon Port was still under the Semarang Port organizational structure, but switched below the Tanjung Priok Port, Jakarta. In 1983 the Cirebon Port became one of the ports of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), with its head office in Jakarta, Port activities are dominated by imports of bulk oil, coal, liquid asphalt and palm oil for the West Java region.
 Minor operations include small container terminals and single passenger beds. From the 2006 data, there were 1,957 ships accessing the port, but more than 1,600 were domestic shipments carrying bulk goods to Cirebon to be distributed regionally. For the Coal terminal itself has a storage capacity of approximately 50,000 MT and cement supplies in Cirebon, Cibinong and Bogor. In dismantling Coal has a capacity of 20 tons per hour but the utilization rate is low. This can be seen in 2005 cargo utilization fell to 41 percent. As for the asphalt and palm oil itself, it is controlled by private companies. With storage for the asphalt itself, it reaches 11,300 MT in 6 tanks, while for vegetable oil the handling facility reaches 18 km from port land which has a storage capacity reaching 10,300 MT. For bulk cement exports are aimed at European and Japanese countries, as well as tea, rice, sugar and rattan furniture produced locally.

Senin, 05 November 2018

50 Word English Vocabulary for Daily Communication

No Word Pronunciation Meaning Sentence 1 Waste Wast limbah The factory dumps waste into the sea 2 Wave Wav gelombang Big wave in the south sea 3 Vote Vot memberi suara I’m vote him to be chairman 4 Turn Tern mengubah I’m turned the lesson schedule 5 Trade Trad berdagang I’m trade in the market 6 Suppose Se’poz mengira I’m suppose would rain today 7 Suggest Se(g)’jest saran I’m suggest you to see a doctor 8 Solve Salv memecahkan I solve a glass 9 Shut SHet menutup I’m shut the box 10 Retire Re’ti(e)r Mengundurkan diri I’m retire from the job 11 Require Re’kwi(e)r membutuhkan The Patients required operations 12 Repair Re’per memperbaiki I’m repairing a car 13 Refuse Re’fyooz menolak I’m refused to answer 14 Record ‘rekerd mencatat I’m recorded the lesson 15 Receive Re’sev menerima I’m received assignments from the lecturer 16 Produce Pre’d(y)oos produksi The producer produces a film 17 Perform Per’form menampilkan I’m performed sing a song 18 Operate ‘ape,rat mengoperasikan I’m operating a machine 19 Omit E’mit menghilangkan I’m omitted the book 20 Offer ‘ofer/’afer menwarkan I’m offer you a cup of coffee 21 Measure ‘meZHer mengukur I’m measute her clothes 22 Intend In’tend berniat I intend to buy a car 23 Indicate ‘inde,kat Menunjukkan A right light indicate to stop 24 Excite Ik’sit menggairahkan The ability to excite interestin others 25 Estimate ‘este,mat memperkirakan I’m estimate would rain today 26 Escape E’skap Melarikan diri Criminals escaped from prison 27 Entertaint ,en(t)er’tanment hiburan I reads a book entertaint 28 Enclose In’kloz/en’kloz melampirkan I enclose a copy of the job description 29 Elect E’lekt dipilih I was elected as chairman 30 Distribute De’stribyoot membagikan I distributed information brochures 31 Distinguish De’stiNGgwiSH membedakan I can distinguish between reality and fantasy 32 Discover De’skever menemukan I discover a book 33 Disappoint ,dise’point mengecewakan I have disappointed him 34 Destroy De’stroi menghancurkan I’m destroyed a glass 35 design De’zin Disain I make clothes design 36 desire De’zi(e)r menginginkan I’m desired to be a polici woman 37 describe De’skrib menggambarkan I will describe this book 38 decide De’sid memutuskan I’m decided on a plan of action 39 Create Kre’at membuat I have created a writing 40 count kount Menghitung I count my savings 41 compare Kem’per membandingkan I’m compared the data sets 42 combine Kem’bin menggabungkan I combine my opinions with others 43 catch kaCH/keCH menangkap I cant’t catch a cat 44 carry ‘kere membawa I carried a lot of book 45 arrived E’riv tiba I arrived home 1 hour ago 46 appreciate E’preSHe’at menghargai I appreciate your work 47 ancient ‘an(t)SHent kuno I read ancient books 48 advice Ed’vis nasihat I advise you to study english 49 achieve e’CHev mencapai I have to achieve my dream 50 accept Ek’sept menerima He accept advise from me